A lot can change in a short amount of time.
Today my cat Ziggy was put to sleep. She had a tumor in her mouth that had grown too big and was making it very difficult for her to eat and drink. It had even begun to press against her right eye. The vet could not do anything to treat it because of where it was located and also because Ziggy had a heart condition. So we (my family and I) decided it would be best to let her go. We didn't want her to suffer a long drawn out and painful death.
Ziggy had only been with us for a little over a year. Not long enough. I miss her. I miss her sitting on my lap when I came home from work. I miss seeing the little bounce in her step as she walked quickly around the house. I miss holding her and cuddling with her. I miss seeing the look on her face as I called to her and she would come to me. A couple of times she would come sit by me as I worked on cleaning my truck or my bike. She was quiet and easy-going. I think she was just happy to have a home and people who loved her. I miss hearing her purr. Because she had too many infections when she first came to us she had to have her teeth removed (the few she had left). So sometimes when you pet her she would nip gently at your hand and it felt funny cuz all she had were gums. My mom and I would say she was "gumming" us instead of biting.
Even though it was only for a year, I'm glad to have had Ziggy in my life. She was a good friend.
RIP Ziggy
See you again soon.
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