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Sunday, May 11, 2014

So I don't know if I'll keep up with this blog much longer. I'm feeling really bad these days and I don't want to spread that on here, if anyone would even stick around for that.  I feel a lot of emotional pain and it's pretty difficult to deal with. My friends tell me to hang in there and it will get better, but I don't believe them. How could it. I can see my problems and I can't fix them. There is someone I want more in my life but this person doesn't want me. And how can I fault them. I'm too emotional, too intense, too depressed, too anxious, unable to be my own source of happiness, and more. 

I'm tired. 


  1. Hey Holly, I don't get on everyday to check-in on what you write, but I do try to check-in often. I appreciate how honest you are with your struggles. You're not the only one with struggles! You are just braver then the rest of us to write about them and share them with the world. I'm not saying we all have the same struggles and I'm not trying to tell you to do something that isn't making you happy, but I think you should know that you can help people with your desire to keep trying! I hope things brighten up for you, I have been depressed too and I had to find a light at the end of the tunnel, and I did. I hope you find yours! You have people around you who want to help you find it... me included.

    1. Thanks Michelle. It would be nice if what I write is helpful to someone out there. I'm still trying to keep writing :)

  2. I've been going through something similar. I've realized that when I feel a lot of hurt and negativity inside of me, it will boil over and make me explode if I don't write about it. For what it's worth, I really think you should keep writing. I'll keep reading. Rant all you want, and talk about any bad things you want, and I'll keep reading and support you. I'm glad you have this blog. For me, I have a secret FB account where I'm surrounded by people that accept and support me no matter how dark my days are. Without writing, and without those friends, I wouldn't survive. So, keep writing. I'll always be here reading. :)

    1. PS This is Cherie. Not sure why my name is not showing up properly.

    2. Thanks Cherie. I appreciate knowing that there are those out there who don't mind what I write.
