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Monday, April 14, 2014

three jobs isn't so bad...right?

I don't have much to write tonight.  I should've exercised when I got home from work, but I was tired and still a little sore from working this morning.  So I didn't.  I don't know where to find the fire to get moving.  I think about going for a run or a bicycle ride or to the gym and I just feel tired thinking about it.  Maybe I'm working too much?  I am gone from 5am to 5pm with only my driving time in between jobs as my break.  I don't know.  I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow and I'm planning on talking to him about medication.  I used to be on some but it ran out and since I had no insurance but was about to get some I figured I'd wait til I was covered to make a doc appointment.  It just happened to be about 2ish months of waiting where I went off of my meds.  I don't even have any symptoms of withdrawal anymore (those were annoying).  So we'll see.  Maybe medicine would make a difference.

My friend a few weeks back asked me to help her with some stuff relating to my previous job.  I said sure because if it gives me an opportunity to see and hang out with her for a bit then it's worth it.  But now I found out tonight that she might not even be there.  I'm a little torn.  Under different circumstances I'd be fine even with her not there.  However I work 2 jobs and this would mean going to a third one, all back-to-back.  I said I'd do it though, so I guess I will go.  :-/  I feel like I might get sucked back in to this 3rd job though.  Maybe that wouldn't be so bad.  It's not like I really hang out with people.  And I do need the money.  But the company I used to work for really needs to find someone else to do what they want me to help out with.  Because I won't be there when it gets really busy and they need the extra pair of hands.

Blah, I think I will ride my bike tomorrow.  At least then I can enjoy the ride from one place to the next.

1 comment:

  1. 3 jobs is a lot. Yes you need the money but, your already tired for job 1 and 2. You don't want to make yourself exhausted. As for the working out you need a motivator if you really want to workout. You do know a personal trainer. Besides you don't really need one.
