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Saturday, March 15, 2014

A problem and a party

Anyone have a problem that is out of your control and so you are trying to not think about it and focus on other things?  And you are doing a good job at finding other things to do, some of which are making you feel pretty happy and good, but still you have those moments when you are all alone with nothing to do and the problem just enters your mind, like it was always there but you just had to not be distracted by other things to see/feel it?  I just wish there was something I could do!  I do not like the feeling of having to just let it be and do something else when I know it is a problem.  The definition of problem is: any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty; a question proposed for solution or discussion.  You know, I want a solution, the answer that solves the problem. Ugh :(

Ok now having said all that, I've had a pretty good day.  Work was alright, probably cuz I only worked for 6 hours instead of my usual 11.  Then I cleaned up my car some (I really like having clean organized things).   And followed that by going to a party at a friend's house where I admit it: I had a blast :D  To any of you reading this who were there at the party, thanks for making that fun and I hope you had a good time too.  Today was a day where I felt truly happy and experienced something that was really good and I'm grateful for it.

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